Shadows of Exploitation: Unveiling the Role of Women and Children in the Terrorism-Trafficking Nexus

Zoe Kern argues that terrorist groups increasingly leverage human trafficking as a tool of war, exploiting legal gaps and jurisdictional challenges to operate with impunity. Her article explores the intersection of terrorism and trafficking, particularly the exploitation of women and children, who are often forced into sexual slavery or conscripted as child soldiers. Using case… Continue reading Shadows of Exploitation: Unveiling the Role of Women and Children in the Terrorism-Trafficking Nexus

Advanced Reactors and Nuclear Terrorism: Rethinking the International Framework

While nuclear energy today provides about 10% of global electricity generation in reliable, carbon-free form, the immense destruction tied to its origins casts a long shadow. This tension between terrible and peaceful power underlies the expansive non-proliferation regime of international law, a framework meant to keep nuclear technology from being diverted from this peaceful use… Continue reading Advanced Reactors and Nuclear Terrorism: Rethinking the International Framework

Managing the Terrorism Threat with Drones

The contours of America’s counterterrorism strategy against al Qaeda and the Islamic State have remained remarkably consistent over the past two decades, broadly focused on degrading al Qaeda’s and the Islamic State’s external attack capabilities and global networks, disrupting their operations through military operations or enhanced law enforcement and border security, and denying them sanctuaries.… Continue reading Managing the Terrorism Threat with Drones