A New Framework for Cyber Operations: Reevaluating Traditional Military Activities and Intelligence Collection in the Digital Age

Maj. Jeremy Watford examines the historic divide between military operations and intelligence collection—particularly when it comes to statutory authority and oversight responsibilities—and discusses how modern cyber operations complicates this separation. Watford proposes a new framework to resolve the current tensions in military and intelligence operations largely caused by “bureaucratic territoriality” and to account for the… Continue reading A New Framework for Cyber Operations: Reevaluating Traditional Military Activities and Intelligence Collection in the Digital Age

Endless War Challenges Analysis of Drone Strike Effectiveness

Whether counterterrorism drone strikes are effective is one of the major questions currently facing US policymakers. The objectives offered as justifications for these strikes are arguably vague and over-broad and therefore run the risk of taking on an endless character. David Sterman argues that “endlessness” is a hazard that has not been appropriately addressed by… Continue reading Endless War Challenges Analysis of Drone Strike Effectiveness

Outsourcing the Cyber Kill Chain: Reinforcing the Cyber Mission Force and Allowing Increased Contractor Support of Cyber Operations

The United States is under a growing and constant threat of cyberattack. US cybersecurity strategy has evolved in response, adapting to the new threat climate by committing US Cyber Command to more aggressive and persistent peacetime cyber operations. However, the Department of Defense Cyber Mission Force (CMF) has been stretched thin attempting to carry out… Continue reading Outsourcing the Cyber Kill Chain: Reinforcing the Cyber Mission Force and Allowing Increased Contractor Support of Cyber Operations