Reordering the Law for a China World Order: China’s Legal Warfare Strategy in Outer Space and Cyberspace

As the United States and China hurl toward a potential Thucydides Trap, the Chinese government has steadily laid groundwork as a global leader in emerging technologies. Maj. Bret White’s article examines Chinese thought as to that country’s place in the world: a leader in some respects; an outcast in others – but always an innovator.… Continue reading Reordering the Law for a China World Order: China’s Legal Warfare Strategy in Outer Space and Cyberspace

Deterrence as the MacGuffin: The Case for Arms Control in Outer Space

This article examines the theory and practice of two partially contrasting policy approaches to US national security and global stability: deterrence, which has long been regarded as virtually the “Holy Grail” of post-World War II US strategy, and arms control, which offers alternative goals, procedures, and structures. In the realm of nuclear weapons, both approaches… Continue reading Deterrence as the MacGuffin: The Case for Arms Control in Outer Space