Shot in the Dark: Can Private Sector “Hackbacks” Work?

In an era when cyberattacks are becoming ever more prevalent, there is a growing demand for private companies to “hackback” to deter and defend against attacks. But federal law precludes them from doing so. Sam Parker addresses the risks and benefits of allowing companies to respond to cyber-threats by going on the offensive and analyzes… Continue reading Shot in the Dark: Can Private Sector “Hackbacks” Work?

Equi-Failure: The National Security Implications of the Equifax Hack and a Critical Proposal for Reform

By McKay Smith & Garrett Mulrain The Equifax hack, which impacted nearly half of the U.S. population, should be viewed as a triggering event for worthwhile government reform and increased public-private cooperation, creating a model that is both scalable and adaptable to multiple industries. Framed by the Equifax data breach, McKay Smith and Garrett Mulrain… Continue reading Equi-Failure: The National Security Implications of the Equifax Hack and a Critical Proposal for Reform