Zoe Kern argues that terrorist groups increasingly leverage human trafficking as a tool of war, exploiting legal gaps and jurisdictional challenges to operate with impunity. Her article explores the intersection of terrorism and trafficking, particularly the exploitation of women and children, who are often forced into sexual slavery or conscripted as child soldiers. Using case… Continue reading Shadows of Exploitation: Unveiling the Role of Women and Children in the Terrorism-Trafficking Nexus
Tag: Transnational Crime
The Role of Transnational Private Actors in Ukraine International Flight 752 Crash in Iran Under Economic Sanctions Pressure
Transnational private actors (TNPAs) conducting business in a sanctioned country may depart from that market when the costs of doing business with a sanctioned state outweigh any potential profit. When TNPAs cease operations in a sanctioned market, their withdrawal can ultimately denigrate the sanctioned country’s economy and bolster the effectiveness of sanctions imposed by the… Continue reading The Role of Transnational Private Actors in Ukraine International Flight 752 Crash in Iran Under Economic Sanctions Pressure