Information Lawfare: Messaging and the Moral High Ground

The U.S. legal system is known as the envy of the world. Yet law as an instrument of national power has been woefully understudied. Traditional academic frameworks for studying the instruments of national power do not consider the full potential of law to be used as a weapon of war between states, a concept known… Continue reading Information Lawfare: Messaging and the Moral High Ground

JNSLP Symposium—Shifting the Great Power Competition: Emerging and Continuing Threats with China, with Jim Steinberg

The Journal of National Security Law and Policy hosted its 2021 annual symposium this week, featuring a keynote discussion with James Steinberg, former US Deputy Secretary of State and University Professor of Social Science, International Affairs and Law at Syracuse University. Steinberg and James Feinerman, Professor of Law at Georgetown University, sit down to discuss… Continue reading JNSLP Symposium—Shifting the Great Power Competition: Emerging and Continuing Threats with China, with Jim Steinberg

Shaking the Rust Off the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Ratification Process

This article provides an analysis of the benefits a Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty and its ratification process would have on international norms, order, and the prosperity of all States involved. In a comprehensive call to action, Matsick recommends an insightful four-sided bargain by four of the largest nuclear powers that would suppress strategic fears and argues… Continue reading Shaking the Rust Off the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Ratification Process