Under the Radar: NSA’s Efforts to Secure Private-Sector Telecommunications Infrastructure

Landau explains the National Security Agency’s little-known function of providing communications security (COMSEC) to private companies, which has involved an improvement of security and privacy of the domestic communications infrastructure. She examines the history of the program and how the NSA’s behavior towards the private sector has shifted since the 1950’s, as well as the… Continue reading Under the Radar: NSA’s Efforts to Secure Private-Sector Telecommunications Infrastructure

Symposium Introduction: Swimming in the Ocean of Big Data

This article introduces the topics to be discussed in the latest issue of JNSLP. The author argues that although readers will walk away with a greater understanding of “Big Data” generally, there still remains a need for a greater structural understanding of the subject in order to harness its power and direct its applications for… Continue reading Symposium Introduction: Swimming in the Ocean of Big Data

Big Data: It’s Not the Size That Matters

In this article, the author argues that the premise of “big data” lies not in the amount of data that we can generate, collect or store, but in the ability to use data to make informed decisions. He explores both the needs of data analysis projects and how to apply these types of projects to… Continue reading Big Data: It’s Not the Size That Matters