Deepfake 2024: Will Citizens United and Artificial Intelligence Together Destroy Representative Democracy?

Richard W. Painter discusses “deepfakes”—computer-generated videos posted and made to look like reality—and their potential impact on politics. Painter predicts that the dark money that has been increasingly used in election campaigns since the Citizens United v. FEC ruling will soon become a source for funding political deepfakes during elections. Because the FEC and Congress… Continue reading Deepfake 2024: Will Citizens United and Artificial Intelligence Together Destroy Representative Democracy?

A New Framework for Cyber Operations: Reevaluating Traditional Military Activities and Intelligence Collection in the Digital Age

Maj. Jeremy Watford examines the historic divide between military operations and intelligence collection—particularly when it comes to statutory authority and oversight responsibilities—and discusses how modern cyber operations complicates this separation. Watford proposes a new framework to resolve the current tensions in military and intelligence operations largely caused by “bureaucratic territoriality” and to account for the… Continue reading A New Framework for Cyber Operations: Reevaluating Traditional Military Activities and Intelligence Collection in the Digital Age

The San Francisco Conference and the Evitable UN Vetoes

Robert A. James reviews the surprising history of the United Nations Security Council veto, the five permanent members solution, and the various alternatives proposed during the discussion. Although the current Security Council format appears historically inevitable, there is ample evidence of alternative formats suggested at the time of the construction of the United Nations. Beginning… Continue reading The San Francisco Conference and the Evitable UN Vetoes