Zoe Kern argues that terrorist groups increasingly leverage human trafficking as a tool of war, exploiting legal gaps and jurisdictional challenges to operate with impunity. Her article explores the intersection of terrorism and trafficking, particularly the exploitation of women and children, who are often forced into sexual slavery or conscripted as child soldiers. Using case… Continue reading Shadows of Exploitation: Unveiling the Role of Women and Children in the Terrorism-Trafficking Nexus
Tag: Human Rights
The ICC and Environmental Protection: Prosecuting Environmental War Crimes in Ukraine
Caitlyn Johnson analyzes how environmental damage could potentially be prosecuted as war crimes by the International Criminal Court. Johnson begins by noting how international armed conflicts have impacted the environment and summarizing previous efforts to hold states accountable for environmental damage. Johnson then looks at Ukraine as an example of extensive environmental damage in war… Continue reading The ICC and Environmental Protection: Prosecuting Environmental War Crimes in Ukraine
ISIL as Salesmen? The Roles of Due Diligence and the Good Faith Purchaser in Illicit Artifact Trafficking
Looting and pillaging have been an aspect of warfare for millennia. Art theft, antiquities looting, and artifact trafficking is both profitable and easy, especially in countries where much of the ancient world is not yet excavated. This trade has served to fund many syndicates around the world over the last century, most recently becoming the… Continue reading ISIL as Salesmen? The Roles of Due Diligence and the Good Faith Purchaser in Illicit Artifact Trafficking