National Security and Competition: How Courts Evaluate National Security When Assessing a Merger

Michael McLaughlin examines the effect of defense mergers on the national security sphere, arguing that antitrust and national security are largely complementary in accomplishing the goals relevant to each. In “National Security and Competition,” McLaughlin first discusses concerns that come with stifled competition in the defense market. He then focuses on the evolution in case… Continue reading National Security and Competition: How Courts Evaluate National Security When Assessing a Merger

Should the DoD Go Marching-in? US Innovation Leadership & DoD IP Rights

Ebony Christian examines the potential role of the Bayh-Dole Act in national security-related technological innovation and IP rights with a focus on the Department of Defense’s (DoD) interest in leveraging private-sector technology. Christian prefaces her discussion with an emphasis on the need for the United States to stay ahead of its adversaries to preserve its… Continue reading Should the DoD Go Marching-in? US Innovation Leadership & DoD IP Rights

Exploring the Military’s Medical Standards in the Context of Low Recruitment Numbers

It is time to rethink the military’s medical standards. Right now, only 23% of American youth can join the military without needing special permission due to various health issues. This shortage of eligible recruits is making it harder for the military to find new members. The military was already in a recruiting crisis, and the… Continue reading Exploring the Military’s Medical Standards in the Context of Low Recruitment Numbers