The treacherous terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, and the aftershocks that are still being felt years later, have had a profound effect on the legal landscape in the United States. In 9/11’s immediate aftermath, Congress, in a rare and fleeting moment of bipartisanship, gave the President far-reaching authority to combat terrorism.
Litigating National Security Cases in the Aftermath of 9/11
By David C. Vladeck
Professor David Vladeck joined the Georgetown Law Center faculty from Public Citizen Litigation Group, a nationally-prominent public interest law firm, where he served as director. At the Law Center, he co-directs the Institute for Public Representation, a clinic law program, and serves as director of the Center on Health Regulation and Governance of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law. He is also a Scholar with the Center for Progressive Regulation and served as a public member of the Administrative Conference of the U.S. In addition to his clinic teaching, Professor Vladeck teaches federal courts, civil procedure, and government processes.
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