Dina Temple-Raston and Harvey Rishikof’s paper explores how falsehoods and misinformation have affected the public’s response to pandemics—both past and present. It describes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s field manual on epidemiology, and discusses New York’s failure to follow the manual at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper also outlines the… Continue reading Falsehoods and the Patois of Pandemics: A Playbook
Category: Vol. 11 No. 1—SPECIAL COVID-19 ISSUE
A special issue on the law, policy, and security issues of the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 & Military Law
As a “specialized society separate from civilian society,” the military experiences not only many of the same challenges as the larger society as a result of COVID-19, but also other challenges arising in the contexts of their normal missions and times of crisis. In light of the developments during the first half of 2020, Eugene… Continue reading COVID-19 & Military Law