As the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 erupted and swept the globe in late 2019 and early 2020, a full-blown pandemic quickly and significantly affected the United States. As the public health crisis worsened in the winter and spring of 2020, it soon became clear that our national security institutions and processes were being tested,… Continue reading Special Issue: Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Category: Vol. 11 No. 1—SPECIAL COVID-19 ISSUE
A special issue on the law, policy, and security issues of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leadership in a Time of Pandemic: Act Well the Given Part
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unique questions and challenges, including what kind of leaders are necessary in this current crisis. The Hon. James E. Baker’s article highlights the need for leaders during the pandemic and the principles that can apply to the both the legal and policy responses to this current public health crisis. In… Continue reading Leadership in a Time of Pandemic: Act Well the Given Part
The Roles of the State and Federal Governments in a Pandemic
Emily Berman’s paper explores the ways in which existing law and policy envision distinct pandemic-response roles for the state and federal governments, and distinct powers to fulfill those roles. It examines the United States’ coronavirus response and argues that the federal government failed to bring the full range of its powers to bear—and indeed, that… Continue reading The Roles of the State and Federal Governments in a Pandemic