* Upcoming Event: “Understanding Detention and Predicting Prosecution” (Harvard, Feb. 4, starting at noon)
The Harvard National Security Journal and the Harvard National Security and Law Association, with support from Milbank Tweed Hadley & McColoy, are partnering to present an event this Friday afternoon titled “Understanding Detention and Predicting Prosecution: Legal Challenges and Legislative Options Ten Years After 9/11.” The event will be in the John Chipman Gray room in Pound Hall, at Harvard Law, starting at noon.
12:00: Keynote Address by William Lietzau, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Affairs
1:15-2:45 Panel I: Understanding Detention
Matthew Waxman (Columbia), moderator
Jamie Williamson (ICRC)
Benjamin Wittes (Brookings)
Major Robert Barnsby (US Army JAG Legal Center and School)
Bobby Chesney (Texas)
3:00-4:30 Panel II: Predicting Prosecutions
Gabriella Blum (Harvard), moderator
Philip Heymann (Harvard)
Ben Wizner (ACLU)
Jack Goldsmith (Harvard)
Rick Pildes (NYU)
Note that the event will stream live at nsj with any questions.