Submission Guidelines

Since its founding in 2003, the Journal of National Security Law and Policy has become one of the most frequently cited peer reviewed journals and the only one devoted exclusively to national security law and policy.

JNSLP welcomes submissions of articles, essays, and book reviews that analyze emerging national security challenges and that propose policy options and solutions.

Please be sure to browse previous issues and/or topics to understand the journal’s range and style.

Submissions should be emailed to: or submitted via Scholastica.

JNSLP reviews submissions on a rolling basis. We publish three issues per year. 

  • Citations: Submissions should conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
  • Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Documents should use a Times New Roman 12pt font and 1.5 or 2 spacing. Sub-heading levels should be clearly noted. Please include page numbers and provide author affiliations as an initial unnumbered footnote.
  • Length: The preferred article length is 7,000-10,000 words, but articles up to 20,000 will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Review: Authors receive acknowledgement of their submissions by email from the Article Submission Editor, who will also conduct an initial review to assess the article’s relevance for our readership. Manuscripts that pass the initial review are forwarded to two anonymous peer reviewers.  
  • Production: The Student Editor-in-Chief oversees the checking of facts, citations, and stylistic editing, and will forward edits and queries to the authors. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their citations.
  • Please include your resume along with your submission.

Copyright Agreement for Authors

Georgetown University Law Center (“Georgetown”) and the author (“author”) of the article (“the work”) agree as follows:

  1. Upon publication of the work in The Journal of National Security Law and Policy, the full copyright in the work shall vest in and shall be owned by Georgetown.
  2. Author is granted a nonexclusive license in the work, under which author may, without restriction, reproduce the work in whole or part, authorize others to reproduce it in whole or part, and prepare and publish any derivative works based on it.