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nationalsecuritylaw forthcoming scholarship

* Forthcoming Scholarship "Privileging Asymmetric Warfare (Part ll)?: The ‘Proportionality’ Principle Under International Humanitarian Law" Chicago Journal of International Law, Forthcoming SAMUEL ESTREICHER, New York University Law School The laws of war are undergoing a fundamental transformation. The first step was the unmooring of the obligations of states and armies from the binds of reciprocity… Continue reading nationalsecuritylaw forthcoming scholarship

The Next Judge

The filling of a judicial vacancy provides a unique opportunity to examine not only the appointment or election process, but also the court itself and its work. For obvious reasons, this has been recognized in connection with the Supreme Court of the United States,1 where vacancies are often the subject of much conjecture but, because of life tenure, remain essentially unpredictable. On a less lofty plane, the opportunity to take stock also occurs in other courts, and the timing, at least, is less a matter of speculation in non-Article III courts, where judges serve for fixed terms.

National Security Law Forthcoming Scholarship

* forthcoming scholarship "Drone Attacks Under the Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello: Clearing the ‘Fog of Law’" Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Forthcoming MICHAEL N. SCHMITT, Durham University – Department of Law Email: schmitt This article explores the legal issues raised by the use of drones (unmanned aircraft systems) in armed conflicts. In… Continue reading National Security Law Forthcoming Scholarship