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forthcoming scholarship

“Habeas Corpus, Due Process and the Suspension Clause: A Study in the Foundations of American Constitutionalism” Virginia Law Review, Vol. 96, No. 6, 2010 Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 10-11 MARTIN H. REDISH, Northwestern University – School of Law Email: m-redish COLLEEN MCNAMARA, Northwestern University – School of Law Email: C-McNamara2011 Ever since the… Continue reading forthcoming scholarship

audio for the January 25th “Mind the Gap” IHL presentation

I posted about this event last week. The audio is now available: 1.     Mind the Gap: International Human Rights Law and the Law of Armed Conflict? Event Information Monday, January 25 2010 / 2:30 pm Tillar House – 2223 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Event Link Professors Gabriella Blum and Geoffrey Corn have both recently published provocative… Continue reading audio for the January 25th “Mind the Gap” IHL presentation