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10 Standards for Oversight & Transparency of National Intelligence Services

Authors Sarah Eskens, Ott van Daalen, and Nico van Eijk present a set of 10 standards for oversight and transparency for surveillance by intelligence services. The authors approach these recommendations from the viewpoint of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and illustrate their implementation using cases… Continue reading 10 Standards for Oversight & Transparency of National Intelligence Services

Exploring the Military’s Medical Standards in the Context of Low Recruitment Numbers

It is time to rethink the military’s medical standards. Right now, only 23% of American youth can join the military without needing special permission due to various health issues. This shortage of eligible recruits is making it harder for the military to find new members. The military was already in a recruiting crisis, and the… Continue reading Exploring the Military’s Medical Standards in the Context of Low Recruitment Numbers

nationalsecuritylaw upcoming event: “Promises to Keep: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture in US Terrorism Transfers” (Columbia Law, Feb. 10, 4:20 to 6:20)

* upcoming event: "Promises to Keep: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture in US Terrorism Transfers" (Columbia Law, Feb. 10, 4:20 to 6:20) “Promises to Keep: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture in US Terrorism Transfers” Columbia Law School | Thursday February 10 | 4:20 – 6:20 pm Jerome Greene Hall Room 103 | 435 W 116th Street |… Continue reading nationalsecuritylaw upcoming event: “Promises to Keep: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture in US Terrorism Transfers” (Columbia Law, Feb. 10, 4:20 to 6:20)